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时间:2023-05-30 08:42:03 来源:网友投稿










连起来是 do you love me = 你爱我吗

dove的中文翻译是鸽子,还有和平的含义。 德芙中文谐音“得福”(即得到幸福)。

德芙巧克力是世界最大宠物食品和休闲食品制造商美国跨国食品公司玛氏(mars)公司在中国推出的系列产品之一,是玛氏食品公司旗下的巧克力品牌名称,品牌名称源自一家1956年所成立的芝加哥糖果商店,1985年开始进入全美市场。1986年被玛氏食品收购。_年进入中国,于1993年进入中国大陆市场,1995年成为中国巧克力领导品牌,“牛奶香浓,丝般感受”成为经典广告语。 德芙巧克力、玫瑰鲜花和胡庄玫瑰花球,早已成为人们传递情感、享受美好瞬间的首选佳品。

德芙巧克力品种丰富,包括果仁巧克力、丝滑牛奶巧克力、榛仁葡萄干巧克力、杏仁牛奶巧克力、摩卡榛仁巧克力、榛子酱夹心巧克力等。德芙巧克力已成为人们传递情感、享受美好瞬间的首选佳品。 玛氏公司生产与销售多种商品,从糖果、宠物食品,到加工巧克力,产品行销全球,顾客遍及100多个国家。玛氏公司虽然是一跨国企业,但目前仍由家族掌控,并由企业家第三代,约翰、小弗瑞斯特与杰奎琳玛氏(john,forrest jr.& jacqueline mars)负责经营。 玛氏公司的经营项目包括点心类食品(m&ms巧克力、士力架〈snickers〉、德芙巧克力〈dove〉、彩虹糖〈skittles〉,等等),主食类食品(包装米、面团、酱料),宠物食品(伟嘉〈whiskas〉、宝路〈pedigree〉和西莎〈cesar〉),饮料(自动零售机饮料),电子产品(自动支付系统),以及信息科技等。






①.口感好;②.巧克力味纯;③.买惯了;④.到嘴就化了 ⑤.口味好,滑润;⑥.比较细腻;⑦.含热量多;⑧.不腻口; ⑨.包装采用欧美风格设计,非常精美。








细分市场扩大,金帝巧克力提出了“金帝巧克力,只给最爱的人”这样一个极富人情味的广告语,并且正日益深入人 心。因此,金帝的市场不断在拓展,业绩在不断地飙升。

金帝巧克力的欧派风味独特,质量更是优良 ,并且价格低于德芙。


品牌意识薄弱 ,德芙在中国市场的策略更具侵略性,在市场上采取了更为激进的市场行为,明显加大了中国市场的投入 。


销售渠道有限 ,最多的是超市销售,在其他渠道上的销售欠缺。 广告宣传力度单薄


四、 德芙的综合优劣势










五、 广告诉求策略





六、 广告目标策略


七、 广告传达策略
















- milk fragrant, silky feel


from a sky flying birds began, the background music sounded, the camera turned to the balcony is reading a woman, a fashionable sexy white-collar women, male patrons of the terrace cafes eyes have been falling on her, the woman took out the chocolate action smooth, a piece into the mouth, the picture into a blend of milk and chocolate scene, and then close-up products, background music soft and comfortable highlights the delicate silky chocolate feel. smooth silky feeling from the mouth continued to the side, brown light around the woman bare side of xiangjian, and then wind the breeze in the stroked book page on the back of the hand, the last gently around the walk in the male paternity, a womans face a sweet smile, immersed in reading and dove brought pleasure. silk finally opened, the middle line of the word picture: pleasure moment, but also enjoy silk slippery. at the same time low, emotional monologue sounded: pleasure moment, more enjoy durs silky. compatibility: _dove_ ad _milk fragrant, silky feel_, the delicate and smooth feeling of chocolate to describe with silk, silk texture and taste of pure chocolate analogy, imagine. dove ad first _silk sense_ introduction, highlighting the delicate and smooth chocolate feeling. rich, and enhance the advertising expression.


the entire advertising picture screen simple, elegant color, gray light against the background of the rich chocolate, the plot is simple, but impressive. this advertising background music is also a lot of extra points in advertising, music, romantic atmosphere to make the protagonist to enjoy the pleasure of chocolate, the audience is accompanied by intoxicating music experience romantic life. advertising is very interesting to show, giving the aesthetic feeling, so you think as long as eating a dove, life will be more wonderful, can be reading time, it can be time to listen to music, __ with a product quality of life linked to not only highlight the characteristics of the product also shows the fun of life.


chocolate seems to have become people to pass the emotion, to enjoy the best moment to share. love is a good thing, chocolate and flowers are now to become the symbol of love, the typical expression. see the chocolate people will think of relationship: although the advertising is not known to the big star, but it uses the beauty of the contrary can reflect the beauty of advertising. in the sexy woman, attracted male waiter, no dialogue, but from beginning to end the traction between the two is very clear, like chocolate rich taste. silky feeling, half refers to the taste of people, the other half is a comprehensive sensory experience when people eat chocolate, including the pleasant mood, ecstasy of the spiritual level of feelings. _dove silky feeling_ is a spiritual call, wake up the public positive taste dove taste and spirit of the double enjoyment of interest.


the success of this commercials is not only creative ideas, but also technical achievements, of course, not less advanced special photographic equipment and technology to help. because before you use a special camera, you see a rapid rotation of the chocolate sea, there is no

what the magic at all, the need for a wealth of imagination caixing. the picture is inverted milk as usual milk down as simple as fast, when in the photo-sonics lens capture, in order to show the beauty of slowly rotating movement; and very exciting chocolate stirred the crown screen, the magic charm is in this 35 mm camera, 360-cell high-speed per second under the show its unique charm. these special equipment and techniques have played a magical effect in the entire filming process using 50 different materials, as is to show as dove milk chocolate product itself, high-quality texture, through the picture to convey the characteristics of that product and the visual appeal, like to eat dove milk chocolate experience as unforgettable.


德芙巧克力在市场上具有很高的品牌知名度,市场占有率为35%,知名度为80%。这样的成绩来自于德芙丝滑细腻的口感,精美的包装,也来自于德芙的广告宣传工作。而以20xx年的电视广告为开端,德芙在当今日益激烈的市场环境中成功搏出位。经典的电视广告是其成功的重要因素。 德芙牛奶巧克力的魅力及纯美品质刻画得丝丝入扣。其独特的创意及制作拍摄技巧,也将德芙牛奶巧克力带向了全新的境界。一连几天看了好几遍,每一遍给观众的感觉都很温馨。一看这则广告就知它的制作还是延续了德芙以往的优雅气质,主角还是采用美女,唯美的画面,优雅的音乐,明快的色彩,给人总的第一印象就是难以言喻的舒心。







连起来就是do you love me








dove chocolate ad: milk fragrant, silky feel!

dove chocolate has become the people to pass the emotion, to enjoy the best moment to share. however, into the mall, the face of an assortment of brands, consumers are difficult to choose. the face of too many choices, consumers are not just concerned about a box of candy, but the quality of the product how, taste how, taste. dove just to meet the consumers of the whole box of chocolate can bring extraordinary experience. dove chocolate is born for love. the story began in the 40s of last century, one day the greek-american leon to see his son is on the street,

despite the safety hot pursuit of a truck selling ice cream in the back, out of concern for his sons safety, in order not to allow his son to buy an ice cream and run on the road, the chicago candy shop owner decided to develop a quality chocolate ice cream. after a few months of product formulations continue to adjust and improve, the love and health of high-quality ice cream has finally come out, and was leon named dove. a launch on the critically acclaimed, like its consumers flocked to an endless stream. it is the tireless pursuit of quality improvement, it created a dove chocolate mellow taste and silky smooth taste. because of this, more and more people around the world fell in love with dove chocolate. in the face of increasingly sophisticated consumers, aifen food companies not only go all out to develop high-quality dove milk chocolate, and innovation and change each year, hoping to give consumers a better experience, advertising is no exception. from last years _listen to dusi language_, this year even more to the planning, to a unique creative and unique production technology to shoot, bring consumers new advertising --- swirl articles, feel like a new realm of silky feeling. when the deep, emotional narration, with the beautiful singing music, gradually lead to slowly rotating chocolate vortex, it has a silky texture, such as the spring-like smooth rhythm; this out-and-out vortex constantly rotating, plus pure milk to join, add the wonderful combination of milk, like dancing a slow version of the jazz dance in general melodious and moving, it renders the wonderful feelings to attract you into a pure milk chocolate chocolate dove chocolate story is: you love me dove chocolate on the packaging of the dove.

dove in chinese

is the dove, and the meaning of peace.

it represents the lover of you: valentines skin that you feel smooth, shiny hair, is a lovely little princess little prince, the other wanted to protect you, you touch the move. dove chocolate is a wonderful experience, shooting chocolate is a challenge. the advertising creative from the delta high advertising, commissioned by the british senior director michael anderson led the production. the success of this commercial film is not only creative ideas, but also technical achievements; of course, less advanced special photographic equipment and technology to help. because before you use a special camera, you see a rapid rotation of the chocolate sea, there is no magic at all, requires a wealth of imagination caixing. the picture is inverted milk, the process is as simple as the usual milk down fast, when the photo-sonics lens capture, in order to show the beauty of slowly rotating movement; and very impressive dove chocolate crown images, magicalthe charm is in this chinese taiwan 35 mm camera, 360 grid per second under high-speed, it shows its unique charm. these special equipment and techniques have played a magical effect in the entire filming process using 50 different materials, as is to show as dove milk chocolate product itself, high-quality texture, through the picture to convey the characteristics of that product and the visual appeal, like to eat dove milk chocolate experience as unforgettable. effing foods will premiere this new tv commercial in 12 major cities in china on november 4, 20xx.

the tv film will be dove milk chocolate charm and pure quality characterization was inquisitive. as its advertising language described in the _milk fragrant, silky feel_ is so attractive. the unique creative and production of shooting skills, as will be the leading brand of milk chocolate with a new realm.

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