No living man all things can.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的全国职称英语综合类词汇选项真题精选题,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!
1.Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.
A. fundamental
B. moral
C. regular
D. hard
2. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.
A. rejected
B. approved
C. submitted
D. considered
3.Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.
A. untouched
B. certain
C. silent
D. doubtful
4.This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.
A. tumed dead
B. passed by
C. carried away
D. become extinct
5.The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.
A. reliable
B. effective
C. simple
D. alternative
6.Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.
A. argue
B. claim
C. wish
D. compete
7.Come out, or Ill burst the door down.
A. shut
B. beat
C. set
D. break
8. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.
A. general
B. complex
C. inflexible
D. direct
9.The tower remains intact ever after two htmdred years.
A. unknown
B. undamaged
C. unusual
D. unstable
10. They didnt seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.
A. existence
B. cause
C. importance
D. situation
11. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.
A. shorten
B. start
C. end
D. resume
12. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.
A. polluted
B. treated
C. tested
D. corrupted
13. She shed a few tears at her daughters wedding.
A. produced
B. wiped
C. injected
D. removed
14. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.
A. send
B. hear
C. confirm
D. spread
15. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.
A. cautious
B. naked
C. blind
D. private
4.D。考查动词短语。题干:这个物种几乎快灭绝了,因为它的栖息地正在被破坏。划线词die out意为“灭绝,消失”。选项turn dead意为“死的,变成死的”,pass by意为“经过,逝去”,carry away意为“运走,带走”,become extinct意为“灭绝,绝种”。die out与become extinct同义,故答案为D。
7.D。考查短语。题干:快出来,否则我就破门而入了。题干划线词burst down意为“损毁,破裂”。选项shut down意为“停工,关闭”,beat down意为“打倒,杀价”,setdown意为“放下,记下”,break down意为“分解,发生故障,毁掉”。burst down在语义上与break down比较接近,故正确答案为D。
13.A。考查动词。题干:她在女儿的婚礼上流泪了。划线词“shed”意为“流出,脱落”,选项produce意为“产生,生产”,wipe意为“抹去,擦除”,inject意为“注射,注入”,remove意为“消除,移动,消除”。shed tears意为“流泪”,与produce在语义上比较接近,所以答案为A。
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