[摘要] 成人先天性心脏病,是指胎儿时期心血管发育异常对心功能产生实际或潜在影响的一组先天畸形患儿,得以存活至成年期,乃至中老年期。以往成人先天性心脏病病种较少,且多为简单畸形。近20年病种逐渐增多,特别是以接受外科手术治疗的复杂畸形逐年增多,包括复杂的大动脉转位和单心室类等。目前彩色多普勒超声心动图可作为筛查和确诊先心病的主要方法。治疗先心病近些年来以介入治疗]为首选,但成人先心病患者首选外科手术治疗,包括一期手术和分期手术,彻底纠正解剖结构,恢复心脏功能是治疗的关键。大多数患者手术后效果较好,但亦有术后多重并发症的发生,致使术后效果差,甚至死亡。其发病时间长,临床症状多在晚期,成人阶段症状显现,缺乏早期特异性,且具有潜在的致命性,导致临床工作中易出现漏诊、误诊,现对成人先心病外科治疗的相关研究进展进行综述。
[关键词] 成人先心病;外科治疗;生存率
[中图分类号] R541.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2015)14-0000-03
[Abstract] Adult congenital heart disease refers to a group of congenital malformations in children caused by the actual or potential of the cardiovascular abnormalities during the fetal period. Adult congenital heart disease was less in the past years. In the recent 20 years, the category of the disease gradually has increased, and especially the complex deformities demanding for surgical treatment increases every year, including complex great arteries translocation, single ventricle and so on. Currently, Color Doppler echocardiography can be used as the primary method for screening and diagnosis of congenital heart disease. In the recent years, the interventional therapy was preferred in the treatment of congenital heart disease, but surgical treatment, including one stage operation and staging operation was still preferred in the treatment of adult congenital heart disease for abnormal changes of structure, function and physical condition.Because the disease is congenital, the time of incidence is long, and clinical symptoms appear in late adulthood, lacking early-specificity, but with potentially fatality, it is prone to missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis in clinical work. Now, researches related to surgical treatment of adult congenital heart disease was reviewed.
[Key words] Adult congenital heart disease; Surgical treatment; Survival rate
1 先天性心脏病及发展趋势
在西方发达国家约有85%的先天性心脏病患者能活到成年,且人数呈逐年上升趋势。并有流行病学资料显示[7],进入21世纪初十年间,美国成人先心病患者达120万之多,其中简单先心病568 800人,中等程度先天性心脏病达402 500人,复杂先天性心脏病畸形患者有317 000人。英国达到16万,10年间增长29%,目前已达20万人,将超过16岁以下接受外科手术的儿童先心病人数。在加拿大,成人先天性心脏病人数从1996年的94 000人增加到2006年的124 000人,2000年成人和儿童先天性心脏病的人数大致相等,预计到2020年成人先天性心脏病人数将大大超过儿童患者。我国这方面的统计数据不详,但随着先心病外科治疗技术的广泛普及和提高,成人先天性心脏病患者将呈高增长趋势。