关键词 穿龙薯蓣;薯蓣皂苷;无公害栽培;精准选址;病虫害综合防治
Discussion on Pollution-free Cultivation Technology System of Dioscorea Nipponica
Yin Qinggang1,Han Zongxian2,Wei Yiding3,Deng Siyang4,Xiang Li1
(1 Key Laboratory of Identification and Safety Evaluation of Chinese Medicine,Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China; 2 School of Chemical Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan,430070,China; 3 College of Pharmacy,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430065,China; 4 Chengdu Diao Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd,Chengdu 611230,China)
Abstract Dioscorea nipponica is the main source of diosgenin and the main raw material for the production of contraceptives and steroid hormones compounds.The wild resources of D.nipponica has been unable to meet the increasing market demand,but artificial cultivation process does not regulate the use of pesticides,pesticide residues and heavy metals exceeding and other issues limit of sustainable development of the D.nipponicae rhizome industry.Pollution-free cultivation is an effective measure for high quality,high and stable yield of D.nipponicae rhizome and the main development direction in the future.This paper discusses the technical requirements of pollution-free cultivation of in precision origin location selection,improved variety cultivation,standardized comprehensive agronomic management measures,etc.Pest control should give priority to agronomic control and biological control,the use of chemical control with low toxicity and low residue in small amount is inevitable,and the use of chemical pesticides with high toxicity and high residue is prohibited.Through the construction of pollution-free cultivation technology system of D.nipponica,the standardization and industrialization of D.nipponicae rhizome production can be realized,meanwhile,the healthy development of D.nipponica planting industry will be promoted.
Key Words Dioscorea nipponica;Dioscorein;Pollution-free cultivation;Precision origin location;Integrated Pest Management
穿地龙作为历版《中华人民共和国药典》收载的重要中药材,来源于薯蓣植物穿龙薯蓣(Dioscorea nipponica)的干燥根茎[1-2]。穿龙薯蓣作为多年生藤本植物,在我国分布范围极广,如东北、西北、华北、华中一带均有穿龙薯蓣野生资源,主效成分为薯蓣皂苷[3-4]。薯蓣皂苷在治疗慢性气管炎、劳损扭伤、冠心病以及心绞痛等方面具有显著疗效[5-7]。同时,薯蓣皂苷元还是合成甾体类激素化合物及避孕药的重要原料。甾体类激素化合物仅次于抗生素类药物,是国际医药市场的第二大类药物[8]。