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Abstract:Objective:To investigate the current situation of the communication skills of clinical medical postgraduates between doctors and patients in one university, and so as to make countermeasures to improve the communication skills of the clinical medical postgraduates. Methods: Adopt the anonymous questionnaire to conduct a survey to the clinical medical postgraduates in the affiliated hospital from the first grade to the third grade. Results:The medical postgraduates of this university have already noticed of the importance of the doctor-patient communication,and they are in favor of setting some related courses to help them improve the communication skills. However,the teaching in reality is usually theoretical and lack of communication and skills training, and the form of the teaching is quiet limited.Conclusions: The individuals, training organizations and the society as a whole should work together to make efforts to improve the communication skills of clinical medical postgraduates.
Key Words:clinical postgraduates;communication skills;investigation;countermeasures